





By Simina Mistreanu

What is it like for young Chinese, who grew up watching CCTV and reading Chinese newspapers, to find themselves at one of the world’s top journalism schools, which values investigation, public service and in-depth reporting? The answer is tough.


Last Friday at Beijing’s Bookworm bookstore I watched the documentary Crossroads of Journalism Dreams. It follows four Chinese students during their year of graduate study at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York.


The director, Xiaoran Liu, herself a grad student at Columbia, documented the challenges and revelations that her Chinese colleagues experienced during their year in New York.


Columbia Journalism School accepts fewer than 10 graduate students from China every year. They are generally top students, who have graduated from universities such as Tsinghua University and whose families can afford the costly tuition fees.  


They’ve also been used to spending all of their time studying, and are surprised to see that won’t change in the U.S. One girl talks about her initial plan to take time for herself, which she had to abandon when she realized how busy her school schedule was.


“It’s impossible for you to have even one whole day off,” she says.“


”The heavy workload, though, is no news for anyone who has been a grad student in the U.S. 


It was nice to see the students doing their assignments and interviewing people on the street – a practice that’s ubiquitous in American journalism but almost nonexistent in Chinese journalism.


The Chinese students worked hard, but faced challenges in that they were not used to write from a point of view and organize the information around a strong story concept, the documentary showed.


They started to question their role in the American journalism environment, on one hand, and in the Chinese media landscape on the other.


“What can I bring to American journalism,” one student asks himself. “I don’t want to stay here and write for Asian minorities.”


These are all challenges I’ve encountered myself as a journalism graduate student at the University of Missouri in 2011-2013. I was lucky to have involved mentors and previous journalism experience in Romania. I was also familiarized with American journalism having read a lot of American newspapers and magazines and contributed to the Romanian edition of Esquire magazine.


At the end of their year at Columbia, the Chinese students wondered whether they should try to stay in the U.S. or return home. All international students have the right to OPT – a year of optional practical training, or internships. The Chinese students applied for programs at large news organizations such as CNN and Time magazine. With virtually no journalism experience, their Columbia degree alone couldn’t compete.


I think with some good advising they could have landed some internships at smaller or niche publications. In my case, my first internship during grad school was at The Wichita Eagle, a regional newspaper in Kansas. I worked my way up to an internship at The Oregonian the following year and eventually to a job there.


As for the Chinese students, three of them returned to China at the end of grad school, while the fourth started a new master’s program to extend his stay in New York.


But soon they realized they didn’t fit in the Chinese media environment either. Liu herself applied for a job at CCTV and never heard back. The students eventually found jobs at independent production companies, or in Liu’s case doing projects for CCTV. But the questions are how that year served them, and is it possible for American journalism to rub off on Chinese media.


It’s a complex issue. One of the specialists interviewed in the documentary said American and Chinese ways of doing journalism are fueled by different philosophies: American journalism believes it can right the society by reporting on it and holding power accountable; whereas Chinese journalism doesn’t believe society needs righting, but rather guidance in certain aspects.


Before I came here, I didn’t think I would be bothered most not by the lack of freedom (which is a complicated topic), but by the lack of quality in the Chinese media. Even within the parameters imposed by propaganda guidelines, some good journalism could be done. But most stories and visuals are of low quality, lack depth and meaning. It’s like the entire media environment, with a few exceptions, is fake and serves as an appearance.


This was my culture shock, as an outsider coming into the Chinese media. I’d like to learn more about what that was like for the Chinese graduates, now outsiders themselves.




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By Simina Mistreanu

What is it like for young Chinese, who grew up watching CCTV and reading Chinese newspapers, to find themselves at one of the world’s top journalism schools, which values investigation, public service and in-depth reporting? The answer is tough.


Last Friday at Beijing’s Bookworm bookstore I watched the documentary Crossroads of Journalism Dreams. It follows four Chinese students during their year of graduate study at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York.


The director, Xiaoran Liu, herself a grad student at Columbia, documented the challenges and revelations that her Chinese colleagues experienced during their year in New York.


Columbia Journalism School accepts fewer than 10 graduate students from China every year. They are generally top students, who have graduated from universities such as Tsinghua University and whose families can afford the costly tuition fees.  


They’ve also been used to spending all of their time studying, and are surprised to see that won’t change in the U.S. One girl talks about her initial plan to take time for herself, which she had to abandon when she realized how busy her school schedule was.


“It’s impossible for you to have even one whole day off,” she says.“


”The heavy workload, though, is no news for anyone who has been a grad student in the U.S. 


It was nice to see the students doing their assignments and interviewing people on the street – a practice that’s ubiquitous in American journalism but almost nonexistent in Chinese journalism.


The Chinese students worked hard, but faced challenges in that they were not used to write from a point of view and organize the information around a strong story concept, the documentary showed.


They started to question their role in the American journalism environment, on one hand, and in the Chinese media landscape on the other.


“What can I bring to American journalism,” one student asks himself. “I don’t want to stay here and write for Asian minorities.”


These are all challenges I’ve encountered myself as a journalism graduate student at the University of Missouri in 2011-2013. I was lucky to have involved mentors and previous journalism experience in Romania. I was also familiarized with American journalism having read a lot of American newspapers and magazines and contributed to the Romanian edition of Esquire magazine.


At the end of their year at Columbia, the Chinese students wondered whether they should try to stay in the U.S. or return home. All international students have the right to OPT – a year of optional practical training, or internships. The Chinese students applied for programs at large news organizations such as CNN and Time magazine. With virtually no journalism experience, their Columbia degree alone couldn’t compete.


I think with some good advising they could have landed some internships at smaller or niche publications. In my case, my first internship during grad school was at The Wichita Eagle, a regional newspaper in Kansas. I worked my way up to an internship at The Oregonian the following year and eventually to a job there.


As for the Chinese students, three of them returned to China at the end of grad school, while the fourth started a new master’s program to extend his stay in New York.


But soon they realized they didn’t fit in the Chinese media environment either. Liu herself applied for a job at CCTV and never heard back. The students eventually found jobs at independent production companies, or in Liu’s case doing projects for CCTV. But the questions are how that year served them, and is it possible for American journalism to rub off on Chinese media.


It’s a complex issue. One of the specialists interviewed in the documentary said American and Chinese ways of doing journalism are fueled by different philosophies: American journalism believes it can right the society by reporting on it and holding power accountable; whereas Chinese journalism doesn’t believe society needs righting, but rather guidance in certain aspects.


Before I came here, I didn’t think I would be bothered most not by the lack of freedom (which is a complicated topic), but by the lack of quality in the Chinese media. Even within the parameters imposed by propaganda guidelines, some good journalism could be done. But most stories and visuals are of low quality, lack depth and meaning. It’s like the entire media environment, with a few exceptions, is fake and serves as an appearance.


This was my culture shock, as an outsider coming into the Chinese media. I’d like to learn more about what that was like for the Chinese graduates, now outsiders themselves.

